Tech Support

Open Support Ticket:
CloudConneXions offers a wide range of support service options to help you get the most out of your business and home solution.
Browse our Support Documentation and FAQ’s pages for answers to your questions.
If you require remote access please download AnyDesk from
If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, you can open a ticket and our Customer Support team will get back to you.
Just send an email to and our ticketing system will create a support ticket.
If you need to get through to us, please call our support desk directly at 416-855-4598 or 416-452-0000 Ext 2.
Porting Your Number:
In order to port your number, CloudConneXions requires the following information:
- The current carrier
- The current account holder’s name
- The physical address where the number resides
- The current account number
Please send an email to and attach a copy of the entire latest bill from your current provider.
Make sure to list all the numbers that exist on the current account. If there are some number(s) you wish to leave then list them separately as “leave”.
If you no longer want some number(s) then list them as “drop”.
If the number is Toll-Free then we also need this form to be filled out, signed, and attached to the email you send to
Forms & Info Downloads:
Billing Signup Form
Canada Porting Form
North America Toll Free Porting Form
Click here to be connected to support:
(Speakers & Microphone/Headset Required)
Monday | 9 am–5 pm |
Tuesday | 9 am–5 pm |
Wednesday | 9 am–5 pm |
Thursday | 9 am–5 pm |
Friday | 9 am–5 pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |